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Best PHP Course for Beginners, Professionals, Developers.

India stands as one of the fastest-growing economies globally, propelled by a burgeoning IT industry and a soaring demand for skilled programmers. The scarcity of proficient PHP developers has become evident, prompting a surge in demand for PHP courses across the nation. This demand emanates from both the shortage of qualified PHP developers in India and the increasing enthusiasm for coding among individuals.

India is often hailed as the back end of the IT industry, boasting a staggering count of over 1.5 million PHP developers. In 2017, the Indian IT sector raked in a whopping $160 billion in revenue. The burgeoning e-commerce and online business sectors significantly contribute to the escalating need for PHP developers.

Mastering PHP opens doors to a plethora of job opportunities, given its stature as one of the most sought-after languages in web development. It serves as a springboard for careers as PHP developers or in freelance work.

Ziansi Corporation LLP, a premier company, offers an all-encompassing PHP Training & PHP Internship program. Their comprehensive curriculum covers everything from fundamental concepts to advanced topics, including PHP, MySQL, Linux operations, and various PHP frameworks like Laravel, Codeigniter, Yii2, CakePHP, and Symfony. The program includes hands-on projects and interview preparation to ensure successful job placement.

What is PHP Programming?

PHP has been a cornerstone of web development since the inception of the internet. It is a server-side scripting language designed for creating dynamic web pages, renowned for its open-source nature and suitability for interactive web applications.

Benefits of Learning PHP Programming

A PHP course serves as a gateway to numerous job opportunities and equips learners with invaluable programming skills. Hands-on training enables mastery of advanced features, ensuring proficiency in building dynamic applications.

Open-source Applications

PHP's lightweight nature makes it ideal for creating open-source applications, powering dynamic web pages, and applications.

Platform Independence

PHP's server-side execution ensures platform independence, facilitating dynamic web page creation across various platforms.

Coding Flexibility

PHP's flexibility makes it a preferred choice for developing diverse applications, with abundant resources available for learning and development.

Better Loading Speed

PHP's efficient loading speed compared to other languages enhances user experience, making it a popular choice for web development.

Cheaper Hosting Services

PHP's reduced hosting costs, owing to its server-side execution, make it an economical choice for web hosting.

Industries That Use PHP Programming

PHP finds application across diverse industries, including e-commerce, web hosting, social media, online gaming, and blog hosting.

Unfold Endless Job Opportunities with PHP Course

PHP development courses open doors to lucrative careers in the IT sector, with demand for PHP developers on the rise. It serves as a foundational skill for pursuing other programming languages.

Why Choose Ziansi Corporation LLP for PHP Course?

Ziansi Corporation LLP offers hands-on PHP training with a job placement program, covering fundamental concepts to advanced frameworks like Laravel and Symfony. Their personalized approach, industry-approved certification, and real-world projects ensure comprehensive learning and career readiness.

Who Can Enroll in the PHP Full Course?

The PHP course caters to beginners and professionals seeking to enhance their skills. It serves as a comprehensive introduction to PHP development, suitable for individuals with varying levels of programming experience.

What Makes Ziansi Corporation LLP' PHP Course Unique?

Their qualified instructors provide hands-on training, covering advanced topics and frameworks with real-world examples. Personalized sessions, placement assistance, and industry-recognized certification ensure a rewarding learning experience.

For those aspiring to excel in web development, Ziansi Corporation LLP provides exemplary PHP Training & PHP Internship, including online courses tailored to individual needs.

Course Curriculum

Introduction to PHP
  • Introduction of PHP

  • Overview of IT Career Opportunities

  • Practical Project Work and Assignments in Lab

Web Programming
  • Client-Server Architecture

  • HTML for PHP

    • HTML Elements (UL, LI, A, IMG, Table, TR, TD)

    • Forms with Various Input Types

  • CSS in PHP

    • Internal and External CSS

    • Inline Styles and Pseudo-Classes

    • Styling Margins, Padding, and Backgrounds

    • Using IDs and Classes

    • CSS3 Features

Further Fundamentals of PHP
  • PHP Syntax and Variables

  • Super Global Variables

  • Expressions and Operators

  • Control Structures

    • Conditional Statements (If, If...Else, Switch)

    • Loops (While, Do...While, For, Foreach)

  • Error Handling

  • Functions and Date-Time Operations

  • Arrays and String Manipulation

  • Including and Requiring External Files

  • HTTP Protocol and Header Functions

Database Connectivity with MySQL
  • Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS

  • Integrating PHP with MySQL

  • MySQL Data Types and Terminology

  • Managing Primary Keys and Auto Increment Fields

  • Preventing SQL Injection

  • Using Aggregate Functions

  • Performing CRUD Operations

  • Implementing Where, Like, Order By, and Group By Clauses

  • Uploading Files and Managing Sessions and Cookies

Real-Time Project Implementation in PHP Industry
  • File Handling and Email Processing

  • JavaScript Events and Form Validation

  • Regular Expressions and XML Parsing

  • Implementing AJAX and jQuery

  • Applying MVC Architecture in PHP

    • Object-Oriented Concepts (Class, Object, Inheritance, etc.)

    • MVC Components (Model, View, Controller)

    • Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data using MVC

Live Project Examples
  • Web Services Integration

  • Product Catalog Management

  • Shopping Cart Implementation

  • Payment Gateway Integration

  • Building Web Applications with CodeIgniter (CI)

    • Features and Components

    • Working with Models, Views, and Controllers

    • Handling Sessions, Form Validation, and File Uploads

PHP Live Projects
  • Online Laundry Management System

    • Clothing Inventory Management

    • Transaction Recording and Editing

    • Adding New Clothing Items

  • Online Book Shopping Platform

    • Access to Free Book Collections

    • Author and Title Search

    • Handpicked Book Collections

    • Download and Reading/Listening Options

  • Online Hotel Reservation System

    • Last-Minute Hotel Booking Services

    • Location-Based Hotel Search

    • Budget-Friendly Options with Room Availability Checks